Monday, August 2, 2010

Hell to the O , haha , today meyy nak update about my lovely adek , haha , batak kejap , kenal dia kat facebook , aww , first add dia then chat-laa , kenal-kenal semuaa , then tengok picture dia , aduhh , comel tahap max doe dia neh , muka 100% cina , ingat nak amek dia as lil sista , but mukaa cina , ingatken cinaa , haha , thenthenthen dia cakap dia mix , ohh baru tahuulah sygg , haha , then dah kenal sikit , terus mintak , haha , malu jugaklaa time nak mintak tuu , takot kne reject , then dia okay jeh , aduh , suke gilaa doe , dulu penah kot nampak dia neh dalam mysp , sukee gilaa kat dia , but dia hotstuff , takot nak mintak , then now , jumpe lagi budak cute neh , terus mintakk , haha , mcam ngeng jeh ken ? haha :D ,


Kuku , sorry if lately neh mey tak layan kuku , hm , as usual , alasan mey , period even aslnye tak dtg pun periodnyer , hm , just ade probs dengan budak tusyen . haihh , weh-weh-weh , aku tak penahh yea boring kawan dengan kau . but if aku mcam takde mood . takpyahlah korang tnye ye knpe semua , thank you weh and iloveyounonstop tahu :')